Community Life

Our Community
and Religious Life
As religious, we live in a community which is open, friendly, mutually supportive, hospitable and joyful. It calls each La Salette to live peacefully with a variety of temperaments, personal histories and styles.​
We profess the three vows:
• Poverty: we live simply and modestly; our poverty focuses on using our energies, talents, time and resources for the good of other people. We vow to live as Christ did, believing that people are more important than things.
• Chastity: we give the Lord our preferential love as we witness to the Kingdom that is to come; our chastity expresses our willingness to be available to all, not exclusively to one person or to one family.
• Obedience: we live in total availability to Christ and to our neighbor. As Jesus obeyed his Father’s will, we vow to find and to follow the lead of God in our life and ministry.
We do all this, supported by the love and concern of our fellow La Salette Missionaries. We share a common bond and learn together how to serve the people of God as reconcilers.
Our Daily Faith-Life.
We come together regularly to pray. Community prayer, especially the Eucharist, is the chief source from which we derive the faith and love we need so that we may carry out our mission.
Being founded on the Apparition of Our Lady of La Salette to two children on September 19, 1846, her message imbues and inspires our life and mission. Our charism of reconciliation is based on her words in her merciful apparition.
Our La Salette Mission:

Being founded on the La Salette Apparition in 1852, we, as a worldwide religious community of priests, brothers and sisters, have as our specific mission the ministry of reconciliation which includes:
Challenging people to ongoing conversion of life, as Mary did at La Salette.
Working to reconcile sinners to themselves, to God and to the Church.
Ministering to those the world looks down upon and to those forgotten.
Proclaiming, as Missionaries, the Good News where it is not yet known.
Promoting non-violence and work with victims of conflict and division.
Valuing respect and promote conservation of all God’s creation.